


随着我国工业的迅猛发展,工业产业链及价值链的快速延伸,特种气体 (如氦氛氩氛氙类化学性质极其稳定的惰性气体) , 稳定同位素( 氘代化合物,重水等)以其独特性被广泛应用于新兴产业中,例如电子超导、集成电路、半导体芯片及存储、气体激光器、高通率光纤通信、光刻机及光刻胶、等离子流、分子级生物制药、医疗成像、OLED显示屏制造 ,航空航天,新能源超级充电设施等尖端行业和科研应用领域中,是可或缺的研发制造要素。以上特殊原料和自然储量在我国的分布与产能远远无法满足新技术领域的需求。相当一部分产 能由于核心物料供给关系受制于国际产销失衡,威胁我国相关行业的规模化发展。因此,突破和维护海外关键稀缺资源的供应链迫在眉睫,是本企业存在与发展的使命!

安泊桥新材料技术有限公司,专注于先进光电材料技术和生物医药诊疗领域,致力于稀缺工业原材料和化学器材试剂的国际资源匹配和供应链管理。是集研发生产和销售为- -身的新兴企业。整合全球资源,促进行业发展,让科研成果为人类带来健康和更美好的生活!


With profound industrial experiences and passion, a group of technicians and experts mostly from the fields of electronic special gas and new material | Chemical Reagents d Amber Bridge Advanced Materials & Technology Co., Ltd. in the center of China' s most developed industrial region and economic hub, the Yangtze River Delta.

The new company provides research, distribution as well as international supply chain operation management of scarce and precious materials, isotopes, and compounds, mainly serving major domestic high-tech industries such as semiconductor, optoelectronics manufacturing, medical diagnosis, and treatment, and related research and development institutions and colleges.

Rapid semiconductor industry development creates a huge demand for special gases (helium/neon/krypton/xenon types of rare gases), stable isotopes (deuterated compounds, heavy water, etc.) known for their special physical and chemical properties that are widely used in high value-added new materials and biomedical industries. In areas such as electronic superconductivity, integrated circuit manufacturing, semiconductor chips and storage, gas lasers, high-efficiency optical fiber communications, lithography machines and photoresists, plasma flow, molecular-level biopharmaceuticals, medical nuclear magnetic imaging, OLED display manufacturing, aerospace power, new energy supercharging facilities and other cutting-edge industries and scientific research applications are indispensable R&D and manufacturing elements. However, the distribution and industrial production capacity of the above-mentioned natural reserves of special materials in China is far from meeting the demand gap in the field of new technologies.

The supply relationship of a considerable number of materials is subject to the monopoly of international oligopolies, the supply is unbalanced, and the prices are high, which seriously threatens the healthy development of domestic-related industries. It strives to support the development of domestic emerging industries, optimize supply paths, and reduce transaction links and costs, to better serve much local science and technology R&D and high-tech manufacturing industries.

The team goes deep into the supply chain sources in North America, Russia, Northern Europe, South Korea, the Middle East, and other countries and regions, and efficiently imports industrial materials that are scarce in the development of the domestic industry, focusing on 6N-level ultra-pure helium and neon, which are indispensable in the semiconductor lithography process. , krypton, xenon rare noble gas products, as well as a high abundance of stable isotopes and compounds, such as deuterium gas DH+D2 and deuterium oxide (heavy water D20) and isotopes necessary for the production of anti-cancer targeted drugs and RNA recombinant drugs Compounds (such as deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide-D6, deuterated benzene, oxygen 18 H2180), etc, to meet the benign development of domestic corresponding industries. Through the deployment and management of the Internet platform, the team accurately captures domestic and foreign market information, cooperates with eficient execution, and provides the most valuable and competitive products and services for customers in the target industry.

The company has established resident offices and professional teams in Wuxi and Tianjin and has formed close business relationships with nearly 1,000 R&D institutions and suppliers of different sizes in the industry chain.

The company's operating characteristics: Focusing on the technical production and development characteristics of electronic special gases and semiconductor manufacturing, it provides high-purity ultra-pure gases, high-precision mixed and proportioned gases, scarce isotopes, and derivatives that are not available in the industry.

The company has had a professional sales team engaged in electronic special gas, rare gas, and stable isotope products for more than 10 years. The members are all from American Air Products, French Air Liquide, and large domestic state-owned enterprises, with rich experience and strong industry relations.

The company currently has cooperative flling stations and distribution bases for gas products in Shanghai, Tianjin, and Anhui, and has professional analysis and testing capabilities. At the same time, the establishment and maintenance of industry information channels is an important task for the company's team. The company's information platform will immediately obtain and target changes in domestic al foreign market conditions, customs data collection and analysis, and strategic resources such as BLM, Russia, Canada, and the Middle East. The international situation of the origin, energy fluctuations, changes in shipping schedules, and other factors that have an extreme impact on product supply and demands from the new generation of domestic electronic circuits, next-generation LED display panels, and new-generation targeted cancer-curing material constraints for manufacturing in high-end fields such as pharmaceuticals. Regardless of market fluctuations and changes in supply pressure, the amount and quality are guaranteed.

The company has supply agreements and cooperation history with all large-scale gas producers in China. At the same time, it is also relying on afliated companies to carry out investment and operation plans for the purification project (manufacturing fixed assets) of high-purity krypton and xenon rare gases. It is expected to start production by the end of this year. At that time, under the guidance of rich and timely market information, the production and sales of high-quality rare gases will become a new driving force for the business development of the entire group company.




Helium、Neon/Xenon/Krypton、Deuterium、Gas Mixture、Stable Isotope




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