


上海连成(集团)有限公司创立于1993年,是一家专注于泵、 阀、 环保设备和流体输送系统、 电气控制系统等研发和制造的大型企业。产品种类涵盖多系列共五千多种,广泛应用千市政、 水利、 建筑、 消防、 电力、 环保、 石油、 化工、 矿业、医药等国家支柱领域。

经过二十多年的快速发展和市场布局, 现拥有五大工业园区, 总部设在上海, 分布江苏、 大连和浙江等经济发达地区, 总占地面积55万平方米。旗下拥有上海连成泵业制造有限公司, 上海连成电机有限公司, 上海连成阀门有限公司, 上海连成环境工程设备有限公司, 上海连成集团通用设备安装有限公司, 上海连成集团物流有限公司, 上海连成集团苏州股份有限公司, 上海连成(集团)大连化工泵制造有限公司, 浙江佳电电机股份有限公司, 上海阿美泰克工业设备有限公司等多家全资子公司及控股公司, 集团总资本6.5亿, 总资产30多亿元。2022年集团销售收入达37亿元,纳税总额超过1亿元, 累计向社会捐赠超千万, 销售业绩始终保持行业前茅。


Founded in 1993, Shanghai Liancheng (Group) Co., Ltd. is a large -scale enterprise specializing in research, development, and manufacturing of pumps, valves, environmental protection equipment, fluid delivery systems, and electrical control systems. The product categories cover more than 5,000 series, with extensive applications in national pillar sectors such as municipal engineering, water conservancy, building construction, fire protection, electric power, environmental protection, petroleum, chemical industry, mining, and medicine.

After over two decades of rapid development and market layout, the Group currently has five major industrial parks, headquartered in Shanghai and distributed in economically developed areas such as Jiangsu, Dalian, and Zhejiang, with a total area of 550,000 m2 ; many wholly-owned subsidiaries and holding companies, including Shanghai Liancheng Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liancheng Motor Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liancheng Valve Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liancheng Environmental Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liancheng Group General Equipment Installation Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liancheng Group Logistics Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liancheng Group Suzhou Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liancheng (Group) Dalian Chemical Pump Manufa­cturing Co., Ltd., ZhejiangJiadian Motor Co., Ltd., ShanghaiAmetech Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd., with a total capital of RMB 650 million and total assets of over RMB 3 billion. In 2020, the Group achieved a sales revenue ofRMB 3.3 billion, with a total tax of more than RMB 100 million paid, cumulative donation ofRMB 10 million to society, and sales performance ranked top in the industry.




Pumps (centrifugal pump, axial flow pump, mixed flow pump), pump electric control cabinet, complete set of pump water supply equipment, sewage treatment integrated pump station, valves, pump accessories, etc


Typical Enterprises/Brands in the industry




1. 公司拥有国家 1级 “ 水泵测试中心、 卧式加工中心、 激光快速成型机、 数控立式车床、 立式数控车削中心、 数控卧式双面镂车、 数控五面体龙门铣床、龙门动梁铣床、 龙门加工中心、 万能磨床、 数控自动化线、 激光切管机、三坐标测量仪、动静平衡测量仪、便携式光谱仪、 数控机床集群等先进生产检测设备2000台套以上。我们重视核心技术的创新,持续高额投入在技术研发领域, 产品使用CFD分析手段, 通过测试达到国际标准。

2. 员工3000多人, 国家级专家19人、 教授6人, 中高级职称超过百人。建有完善的销售服务体系, 全国设有30家分公司,200多家分支机构, 拥有一支超过1800人的专业营销团队, 能够提供专业化的技术支持和服务。

我们坚持构建积极向上的企业文化, 敬业诚信的核心价值观,健全制度完善体系,始终在做行业的领跑者, 实现真正的中国制造。

3. 连成集团获得国家工信部重量级“绿色制造系统解决方案供应商”资格,实现绿色制造转型升级,向节能减排方向发展。




1. The company has more than 2,000 sets of advanced prod­uct1on and testing equipment such as the national "Level 1" water pump testing center, horizontal machining center, laser rapid prototyping machine, CNC vertical lathe, CNC vertical turning center, CNC horizontal double-sided boring machine, CNC pentagonal gantry milling machine, and gantry moving-beam 叫lingmachine, gantry machining center, universal grinder, CNC automation line, laser pipe cutting machine, three-coordinate measuring instrument, dynamic and static balance measuring instrument, portable spectrometer, and CNC machine tool cluster. We highly value the innovation of core technologies and invest heavily in technology research and development continuously. We adopt CFD analysis methods in our products and comply with international standards through testing.

2.   The Group has more than 3,000 employees, 19 national experts, 6 professors, and over 100 emplo yees with senior professional titles. We have established a complete sales and service system, with 30 branches and over 200 subsidiaries nationwide. Our professional marketing team has more than 1,800 personnel to provide professional technical support and services.

We insist on building a positive corporate culture, uphold the core values of dedication and integrity, improve and perfect our system. As the industry leader, we strive to realize Made in China.

3.   Liancheng Group has obtained the significant qualification of"Green Manufacturing System Solution Provider" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT ) and implemented the transformation and upgrading of green manufacturing in its development towards energy conservation and emission reduction.

Our products have won the "Second Prize of State Science and Technology Progress Award", "First Prize ofDayu Water Conservancy Science and Technology Award", "Second Prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award", "Shanghai Famous Brand Products", "Recommended Products for Health Real Estate", "Recommended Products for Green Building Energy Conservation", "Products for Green Energy Saving and Emission Reduction", and "Recommended Products for Engineering Construction".

The company has been awarded "National Innovative Enterprise", "National High-tech Enterprise", "China Well-known Trademark", "Shanghai Municipal Level Enterprise Technology Center", "Shanghai Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise", "Shanghai Top 100 Private Manufacturing Industries", "China Top Ten National Water Industry Brands", "CTEAS After-sales Service System Perfection Certification (7-star)", and "National Product After-sales Service Certification (5-star) ","Nationa 1 supervision and lnspection center for pump products quality".


产品种类涵盖多系列共五千多种,广泛应用千市政、 水利、 建筑、 消防、 电力、 环保、 石油、 化工、 矿业、医药等国家支柱领域。


The product categories cover more than 5,000 series, with extensive applications in national pillar sectors such as municipal engineering, water conservancy, building construction, fire protection, electric power, environmental protection, petroleum, chemical industry, mining, and medicine.




Bird's Nest, National Grand Theater, Shanghai World Expo, Capital Airport, Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, Qingdao International Airport, Shanghai Metro, Guangzhou Waterworks, Hong Kong Water Supply Project, Macao Water Supply Project, Yellow River Irrigation Pump Station, Weinan Donglei Phase II Pump Station Reconstruction, Yellow River Xiaolangdi Water Conservancy Project, Northwest Liaoning Water Supply Project, Nanjing Secondary Water Supply Reconstruction Project, Hohhot Water Supply Reconstruction Project, Myanmar National Agricultural Irrigation Project Chenghai Basin Ecological Comprehensive Treatment Water Conservancy Backbone Emergency Water Replenishment Project, Fan County Penglou Irrigation District Reconstruction and Expansion Project, Gansu Gulang County Urban Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrading and Expansion Project, Shanxi Jiexiu Lifeng Water Industry Daily Treatment 30000 m3 Sewage Treatment Project, Baosteel, Shougang, Angang, Xingang, Tibet Yulong Copper Industry Expansion Project, Baosteel Water Treatment System Project, Hesteel Xuangang EPC Project, Chifeng Jinjian Copper Industry Reconstruction Project Pakistan Thar Coalfield Block 1 7.8 million tons per year opencast coal mine project and other iron and steel mining projects, Qingshan Holding Group, West Qinshan Nuclear Power, Guodian Group, Daqing Oilfield, Shengli Oilfield, PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, Qinghai Salt Lake Potash, GE, Siemens, Dazhong, Coca-Cola


持有国家特许经营的 “安全生产许可证” ,进出口企业等资质。产品获得消防、 CQC、 CE、卫生许可、 煤安、 节能、 节水、 采用国际标准产品标志备案及自我声明公开承诺报告。 申请持有国家专利700余项, 多项计算机软件著作权, 作为国家及行业标准起草参编单位, 获得产品标准近20项。 先后通过了 I S09001、1S014001、1S045001、信息安全管理、测量管理、 能源管理体系认证,全面推行ERP、QA信息化管理平台。


The Group has the national franchise "Safe Production License", import & export enterprise, and other qualifications. Our products have acquired fire protection, CQC, CE, sanitation license, coal safety, energy-saving, and water conservation certification, with international standard product mark registration and self-declaration public commitment report. The Group has applied for and owned over 700 national patents and many computer software copyrights. As a drafting unit of national and industry standards, we have drafted nearly 20 product standards. We have successively passed IS09001, IS014001, IS045001, information security management, measurement management, and energy management system certifications and fully implemented ERP and QA information management platforms.




网址:www.cnirtrade.com , 是中国和伊朗贸易及投资服务的领先平台,向中国和伊朗企业提供伊朗结汇,代理出口,市场开发,投资服务,物流清关,法律咨询等方面的服务。









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